Sunday, September 6, 2009

Backgroundfireman Sam

Chavismo in Chile.

I could not stop giving importance to this newspaper article and although I sincerely believe that the political struggle in Chile is to be discussed between the candidate Sebastian Pinera and Eduardo Frei for the next presidential election is no other know ...
In his column this week, Carlos A.
Montaner says that Hugo Chavez is "the Holy Spirit
XXI Century: The elected Popes (rulers of the countries of Latin America). This is your column this week published in "El Nuevo Herald" :
Hugo Chavez is becoming a big vote of Southern Cone countries. In the Catholic religious tradition, when the cardinals met to elect a new pope, who actually selected the new pope was the Holy Spirit who inspired them. They cast their votes, but the Great Elector was the Holy Spirit.

Hugo Chavez is the Holy Spirit "socialism of the XXI century." He chooses the popes. Hugo Chavez is the Holy Spirit "socialism of the XXI century." The popes elected

First came the suitcases full of dollars for the ineffable Kirchner, unexpectedly discovered in a Buenos Aires airport by an official who refused honorable to hide the crime. Now it seems the Venezuelan colonel Uruguay wants to choose his friend José Mujica tupamaro, candidate of the Frente Amplio, while in Chile commitment

Senator Marco Enríquez-Ominami, who heads a radical leftist force break the Coalition that ruling the country since 1990, when Patricio Aylwin became president. THE CASE OF URUGUAY

This time Chavez came to Uruguay in no gross briefcases but disguised as a simple business. Something had learned from previous

scandal. According to research conducted by the respectable weekly Búsqueda, Aplis SA company, founded in January 2008 and whose first president was a cousin of Lucia Topolansky, wife of José Mujica, he printed in Uruguay 50,000 copies of some materials related to the topography and cadastre Venezuelans, at cost of $ 6 per unit, and exported to $ 498 to an obscure unit of Popular Power for the Environment, a Venezuelan ministry is something like the Cave of Ali Baba, which meant a profit of $ 32 million for the Uruguayans. For every dollar received 83 of profit. A safer and better business to sell cocaine. So, of course, as the USSR, by the KGB, was financing the European communist parties. purchase operation books to Uruguay ... needed the approval of Chavez Naturally, Mrs. Topolansky has vigorously denied any links to these traps, while her husband stays relatively quiet, but the investigation is ongoing. However, experts

interference of Chavez in Latin America argue that a sum of that nature, which requires the approval of half a dozen government entities, not just a scam to beaten heritage of Venezuelan citizens perpetrated by some Uruguayans
eager to make money easily and accomplices "Bolivarian" thieves, but
a major operation which inevitably political needed the approval of the Colonel to be perpetrated.


Chavez's interference in Chile has taken a different course:

Mr. Max Marambio, now a millionaire that he collaborated with the Chilean secret service during his long exile Cubans in Cuba, very close Fidel Castro, who then allowed him to amass a huge fortune through business in dollars held in the tourist apartheid installed on the island. Marambio, who

shamelessly claims that Cuba is a democracy , has become the campaign's political director Marco Enríquez-Ominami and presumably mostly financial. Enriquez-Ominami (joined the surname of his stepfather), is a very radical socialist junior senator, son of Miguel Enriquez, a Communist leader of the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR), who died in a gunbattle with police in 1975 When Marco was a newborn.

The young applicant intends to "end this society [Chilean] brutally class"

. Maybe it succeeds. In any case, Max Marambio, his man can not do anything that requires you to Cuba, and has no loyalty other than that resulting from its ties with Fidel and the police apparatus Cuba, as evidenced in 1989 when his close friends, brothers Tony and Patricio de la Guardia, a colonel and general, respectively, veterans in the fight against Pinochet, fell into disgrace, and he, Marambio, immediately reaffirmed its subordination to repressive forces of the island and its unconditional support for the dictatorship. Tony was shot and Patrick sentenced to years in prison, but Marambio proved to be a disciplined and loyal to militant who made it rich. If Marco Enríquez-Ominami became president of the country with Max Marambio as his court advisor will, no doubt, the triumph of the Castro-Chavez in Chile , and ending two decades of moderation and common sense, with different nuances, have characterized the four governments of the center-left coalition that has occupied the Palacio de la Moneda. The country would return to the tension of the seventies and lose all you have outstanding and exemplary of the so-called Chilean model "for the rest of Latin Americans . Exactly what you want to happen the great elector, mortal enemy of the Chilean fresh vegetarian left.

Hugo Chavez, the great elector in the Southern Cone

Carlos Alberto Montaner


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