Monday, February 8, 2010

How Do I Know What Power Source I Need For My Ps3

Club confirms Chile's entry as a permanent member. Outrage

Chile becomes part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
A country ruled after Pinochet's dictatorship did not cost leftist governments in 20 years to hold this place as one of the countries
more consolidated and financially solid
in Latin America, now we say about this country called Venezuela, a country ruled by a despot who gives right and left oil while the country descends into anarchy, corruption, crime, education- and social security in the ground.

is a recognition for Chile. This is an association of democratic countries with stronger institutions, states more transparent and better tools to combat poverty and inequality. Receive this invitation with pride and humility. Pride for all that Chile has made over the past quarter century. Humility for all that is left to advance, to assimilate the best practices of developed countries. But while sitting at this table are clear to move faster for the benefit of all the people of Chile, said Finance Minister Andres Velasco, to thank on behalf of Chile decision unanimous of the 30 Council members. The minister explained that after receiving this invitation, the next step is the signing of the OECD Convention by which Chile attaches to the body, which is scheduled to occur in Santiago during the first half of January 2010. The treaty must be then submitted for ratification by Congress and only after the legislature's consent shall be a member Chile No. 31 of the OECD. The last time the agency admitted a new member went to Slovakia in 2001.


In late October, Congress passed the law last requirement was the so-called "
country club rich
. "
is the standard for the exchange of tax information, the last of the four bills that Chile must comply to meet access standards to the OECD. The other three, referred to a Codelco's new corporate governance, improved corporate governance in private companies and establish the criminal liability of legal persons for crimes such as bribery and money laundering, and were cleared by Parliament.

The OECD aims to coordinate their economic and social policies of the countries of the region. It was created in 1960 for 20 economies. This is a discussion forum where countries share experiences, seek answers to common challenges and homogenized standards.
Italy, Austria, France, Greece, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Japan, Hungary, Finland, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Slovak Republic, United States, United Kingdom , Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Iceland, Korea, Mexico and Chile (to be ratified by Congress). " will someday see the name of Venezuela on the list

? I doubt it and as long as that line of the XXI century socialism of Hugo Chavez might we be the first in the list of most unstable countries in the world.


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