Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Masterbate Without Buying Anything

Human Planet - Series TV Trailer - BBC One

Trailer of the TV series on BBC One "Human Planet" with spectacular images of multiracial and cultural diversity of the planet earth

Health. Plum

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Soccer Fleece Scarves No Sew

Training 03.19.1911 Training 03.20.1911

Today Sunday, I took the celebration of the popular San Pablo Nervión district and decided to attend the event but coming at a trot at home, and after finishing the test back home again to trot mess

The race was made at all times accompanied by friend and brother broder praetorian AVQ invincible, better known as Alfonso the

Aconpañado AVQ in action
And indeed, the same times were pretty good (many miles 5min touching even some below), on all for the bad training that I drag in recent months

Health. Plum
PHOTOS © 2011 Mavesa67
PS: This time there was no post, no handle, the family was waiting to go out and ride a bike:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Vespa 50 Wiring Diagram

On this occasion, I met some fellow Praetorians take to kick the Dragon circuit

I missed the GPS mobile phone, as shown in the picture, but eventually spark more or less, about 23.5 km in about 2h50m. We left the parking lot of "Decartón" to save a couple of miles and that was more comfortable the QDD

The post of the train, and to celebrate the day of the Pepes, the seeds and potatoes, some bottles fell and some tubers, as shown in the photos ;-)
Good training and more better if these people together with good

Health. Plum

Name Of Carparts On Inside


The trails are routes, marked or not, which generally run in the paths and roads, for hiking, a non-competitive sport, which takes place on roads approaching the people to the natural environment and knowledge of the territory through the historical, ethnographic and cultural.

This page is to inform the public the extensive network of paths in Cádiz province, and the valuable natural and cultural heritage of this territory.

information has been extracted from the publication "300 Trails of the Province of Cadiz representing more than 2,000 miles of inventoried roads, with so that we all know better our environment and, therefore, what we value most and are able to ensure their conservation.

Publication in PDF format and weighs 108MB you can download it by clicking on the link below

Each route is in the form of sheet, which you can find the name of the path, how to access it, information on tour, highlighting its main values, and a number of useful data that help to know the territory.

Tours ( TRACKS ) can be downloaded in GPX applications and GPS KML format to view them in Google Earth .

The 300 trails are organized by county, from north to south and from west to east. Each route is associated with a color that identifies the region in which it is situated, and has a number to locate it quickly and easily.


Source: (With KEY Crastine)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Drinking Perrier And Pregnant

fattest man running a Marathon Runner's World Magazine

-improvement of this man is incredible. Kelly Gneiting is , a sumo wrestler weighing 180 kilos, which has successfully set the world record as the fattest man to complete a marathon in less time.

For the 42 kilometers of the disputed evidence on Sunday in Los Angeles spent 9h48min52seg, lowering the previous record time of 11:52:11, set by a man of 128 kilos of peso.Gneiting ran the first eight miles, but depletion test was to continue walking, slowing their march much and having to follow the traffic signs and walk on the sidewalk because it did not follow the minimum rate for the test.

During testing and states that suffered greatly in the last five miles I said to myself "if I have to crawl, I will."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Different Kinds Of Labias

Magazine Runners 2010 - Mexico

(July August-September-October)

Source: vague. is (Thanks to FabianAbraham )

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Replace A Scratched Lcd

Mexico Training 15, 16 and 03.17.1911

Three days straight. It did this for muuuuuuuuuuuuchooooooo time:)

Health. Plum

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where Does Malaria Affect

"Traitors and cowards who will? Sites and tenants

Extracted verbatim from El Universal, an article that I found very interesting and I want to share with you ....

traitors or cowards "who will?

My feeling is not against anyone who goes, just because I decided to stay ...

Luis Vicente Leon Last week we talked about the drama of migration in Venezuela. Tweets appreciate your post and share their vision of the problem and its justifications, rational and emotional, to 1) emigrate, "it is not possible or responsible to live here while you die in the street, no house and take away what is yours" or 2 ) stay "must fight for the country, it is difficult to adjust out, there is hostility to immigrants or simply a" verbatim "that captivated me," and I'm too old pa 'that grace. " But what I shocked were the messages of those who responded by attacking the Venezuelan people who decided to emigrate. Some of affiliation Chavez, used epithets of traitors imperialists and stateless. Others, obviously opponents, preferring to call them easy, convenient and cowardly. begin by rejecting the qualifiers against those who decided to migrate. That's a tough personal decision, not because it gives you taking note, as if you were going to Easter trip to Seville. Change your life, leave your family, taking risks and uncertainties, losing part of your story, feel like the guayabera ... out, is not something you would do if something does not eject from your comfort zone. Not all are equal and our level of resistance to insecurity, political discourse primitive hostility to almost anything other than a mess, varies dramatically.
A red attackers:
guilty of an aggressive migration process is not who migrate but who creates, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the negative conditions that make part of his people decided to leave. A government unable to ensure the safety of its inhabitants, and its economic stability, and peace and harmony, no shelter or stable supply or where to turn unbiasedness institutions to resolve conflicts, and basic infrastructure and quality education and freedom to undertake projects or to defend what you did and built with your own efforts, is responsible for open, clear, forceful castration of their country by their output relay generations and local investments.

A blue attackers:

do you really believe that "being" means something ... if you do not end up doing nothing "being"? What is it that they are missing those who left, in terms of what you are doing to rescue the citizens rights beyond the students? Do you know what a parent feels when you call the damn thug who has kidnapped his daughter tonight? Do you have any idea of \u200b\u200bthe Venezuelan Jewish sentiment when its symbols are violated, while the president is courting a satrap that says you have to exterminate the Jewish people? Is that an Arab merchant Venezuelan threatened their properties and businesses (along with all of us) should not feel the desire to protect? Want to ask a mother, that her son was murdered last night, he wants to do her other children now? Will yourself or your partner ever have wondered what they do here?
Nobody has the right to question the decision to leave ... nor can they do with those who decided to stay, despite the odds, to resist and act in defense of itself or simply to end the life where we want. My feeling is not against anyone who goes, just because I decided to stay (and not even know if morochos going to forgive me.) My call is to whom we were to do something that allows us to give them the desire and rationale of living where they should live: in their country. That is the challenge.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wrapping Paper Storage And Stand

Crimes Issues of Max Aub


Some of the stories that make up these CRIMES EXEMPLARY appeared before in the waiting room, publication through which Max Aub made known to their relatives and other interested readers with bits of everything what was written. This edition uses the 87 stories that the author brought together in book form and published for the first time in the printer Juan Pablos in Mexico City in 1957, edited by the very careful Max Aub and enriched (as say broth which is thrown a bone) with bullets taken from Book of Objects (San Luis Potosi, 1883). Max Aub subsequently touched, removed and added new stories (and the very exemplary and pious killed her for not giving him an upset of the last batch), doing good things that the murderer always returns to the scene.
Leaving out, then, the two crimes Baroque, the Mexican and other crimes series Epitafios, Food and Suicide: Say, as a curiosity, that in this collection there is a single autocrimen-that really was not, "which has cash, real merit, the artist Siqueiros.

More info at: Mr. Williams's Blog

Friday, March 18, 2011

How Do I Masterbate My Dorter

My evil clone

He escaped from a laboratory and began to draw cartoons:)
Wonderful and funny blog of a cartoonist: http : / /

When I Connect Kidde Alarm Will Come

Would you believe that you can get power to brighten just stomachs?

rejoin the action after a stand for health, but with all the enthusiasm and encouragement ... Also coming this sequence film that touches an interesting point and even dangerous. It remains all too evident that through the food and what she represents is possible to achieve many things, from love to power.

Here as cheerful and unrolled view of the Brazilian is unclear what powerful he can become someone who knows the cooking and thus engage, encourage and take out of context to its close.

No one would believe that prison is can touch the most sensitive human being through his stomach. I recommend this movie openly sympathetic, but with a background serious and even moral including .
1:00 pm Saturday at the Ateneo de Caracas radio or
Certainly if you like leave your opinions, suggestions, and why not to claims .

Descente Ski Wear Vancouver


ACTA stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Treaty on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade), a multilateral trade treaty whose title refers to counterfeit physical goods such as shoes or drugs but is substantially the regulation of the Internet and information technologies.

What affects you?

1. If you have Internet access, the ACT includes rules to monitor and cut the internet connection at home if someone claims that you download illegal material.

2. If you have a laptop, the ACT includes rules for the contents of your hard drive is searched by the police while traveling between two countries, regardless of suspected or not.

3. If you are part of a democratic country, you have to know that ACTA is being negotiated in secret and listening to the lobbies of record companies and movie studios, without regard for the citizens or their elected representatives.

What countries are negotiating and since when?

ACTA began trading in late 2007 by the United States, the European Commission, Switzerland and Japan. Later joined by Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, UAE and Canada.

Negotiations have been in secret and committees involved in the negotiations have recognized that they are negotiating this treaty, but refused to show documentation on the rules being proposed. All that is known is through multiple leaks.

What if I do not live in either country?

is an international treaty such as TRIPS. Such treaties may be imposed on a country as a condition to sign other trade agreements, and historically developed countries almost always been able to do this. If your country is not in the ACTA negotiations, anyway You can end up being governed by its rules.

How has the U.S.?

The issue jumped to the media by appearing in the New York Times a story criticizing the secrecy in which negotiations are so important.

Several U.S. senators have asked Obama for transparency and allows the audience to see the treaty being negotiated: "The public has the right to monitor and express an informed view on proposals of this magnitude." Also, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has requested access to the terms of the treaty by using a transparency law in force in the U.S., the Freedom of Information
How has Europe reacted?

Last week the European Parliament finally reacted and harshly criticizing the form and substance of the treaty being negotiated. The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of 633 votes to 13. The way

, Parliament recalled that the Commission is obliged to inform these negotiations, protested by deliberately calculated as being carried out this process, and required to report to parliament immediately and completely.

the Fund, the Parliament agreed to remind the Commission that the privacy and data protection are fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Europe, set out in its charter of fundamental rights, and spoke out against any system of administrative off the Internet or computers to check people at the borders.

What happens next?

depends on many factors, the most important is how the public reacts strongly, the media reports and politicians who represent them. For now, there are some organizations that are working and report on this topic. For example, Right to Read has developed a brochure [1.19 MB PDF] explanatory.

This is a turning point that we have the opportunity to reverse a trend towards a world where information is strictly controlled. ACTA copyright maximalist conceptions is motivated by greed, seeking to bypass most important values \u200b\u200bfor society as privacy or freedom of expression.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Can Causes Inflamed Cervix

Survival Manual PDF

For lovers of nature, field and which has been a little naked man lying on the motherland ... I leave these survival manuals in English.

- VOLUME 1 -

- VOLUME 2 -



are in pdf files and come with indexes, illustrations and other ... I hope to help you in the forest.

SOURCE: VAGOS.ES (thanks to fumetapek )

Health. Plum

Diapers And Wipes Shower Invitation Wording


Japanese envoy to 28077.
multi-operator Number
(Vodafone, Optus, Telstra, Simyo, etc)
€ 1.20 FULL to CruzRoja

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Compustar Reset Starter

and trained 12

Training 12/02/2011:


After a week in which I could not go running because of the rain, this Saturday I returned to the coaches in the foot, two laps by the daisy circuit plus a new part of the leg or back at home, about 20.5 km in just over 2 hours, spark more or less and with the threat of rain all the time. Take to change the GPS and program:

=== =================================

Training Sunday 13/03/2011:

clouds on the SKY

This time I decided to go to Park Tamarguillo for a change and not repeat again in PIE. With the threat of rain from 12, leaving about 9 for 2 hours, I finally went just over 1h55 and 18km (2 laps of the park by entering the first inning, but the round trip from home) and just to enter the house started to rain:)

PD1: I've changed my GPS before a used the Nokia5800XM and now use the the new Motorola Defy the first application used the and the new of , hence the difference in graphics

PD2: I have not been this weekend in my beloved Dragon circuit because of the rain, because the ground is sometimes impractical and a workout should not last more than 2.30 can be extended in time as undesirable. Hopefully by next weekend to kick field again:)

Population Biology Lab Answers

MOVIE TRAILER of the wires and the CULEBRA


peliculón WHAT!
(and a bit of advertising art)

Cabes Ofu! I'm trying to open up a window culture and do not stop hitting your
Laugh if you like but also listening approaches:
- Blessed ignorance handled.
- Paste currando not win, if legally without sleeves.
- against the financing of terrorism include only bank expropriation.

After watching your videos you understand that the banks not to finance his new movie?

If you want to work with them and be co-produced the film and Cabes Culebra, send an email to and will contact you. And remember ...


The music that sounds great track called "Dame Veneno " Narco group, which belongs to your hard Fly Wings.

And if you liked the trailer FREE list of the Facebook group " I'm going to the cinema to see the movie of Culebra and the Head "

that integer UP!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ruger 10 22 Custom Wood Stocks

Entrenos 03, 05 and 03.06.1911

Training 03/06/1911 (P. Tamarguillo)

2 laps Tamarguillo Park , but the round trip from home. In total no more than 18km, although the image leaving only 10km malcontados, and GPS is that I escacharró mid-career. Lousy sensations. His body was not very "Catholic" this morning to run: (

Training 03/05/1911 (P. Infanta Elena)

On Saturday I spend the same, I was again and GPS will be put to work had already entered the PIE. 2 by PIE (old but new) plus round trip from home. In total about 19.5 km in 2 hours or so. Cloudy weather, as seen in the images

Training 03/03/1911 (P. Infanta Elena)

without further Training unnoticed. That if accompanied by my compilation of gigs D. Jose Sanchez, going slower than me, and it is slow ;-)
1 turn per foot but the trip back home plus a walk on the gondolas

Health. Plum