Friday, March 18, 2011

Descente Ski Wear Vancouver


ACTA stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Treaty on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade), a multilateral trade treaty whose title refers to counterfeit physical goods such as shoes or drugs but is substantially the regulation of the Internet and information technologies.

What affects you?

1. If you have Internet access, the ACT includes rules to monitor and cut the internet connection at home if someone claims that you download illegal material.

2. If you have a laptop, the ACT includes rules for the contents of your hard drive is searched by the police while traveling between two countries, regardless of suspected or not.

3. If you are part of a democratic country, you have to know that ACTA is being negotiated in secret and listening to the lobbies of record companies and movie studios, without regard for the citizens or their elected representatives.

What countries are negotiating and since when?

ACTA began trading in late 2007 by the United States, the European Commission, Switzerland and Japan. Later joined by Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, UAE and Canada.

Negotiations have been in secret and committees involved in the negotiations have recognized that they are negotiating this treaty, but refused to show documentation on the rules being proposed. All that is known is through multiple leaks.

What if I do not live in either country?

is an international treaty such as TRIPS. Such treaties may be imposed on a country as a condition to sign other trade agreements, and historically developed countries almost always been able to do this. If your country is not in the ACTA negotiations, anyway You can end up being governed by its rules.

How has the U.S.?

The issue jumped to the media by appearing in the New York Times a story criticizing the secrecy in which negotiations are so important.

Several U.S. senators have asked Obama for transparency and allows the audience to see the treaty being negotiated: "The public has the right to monitor and express an informed view on proposals of this magnitude." Also, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has requested access to the terms of the treaty by using a transparency law in force in the U.S., the Freedom of Information
How has Europe reacted?

Last week the European Parliament finally reacted and harshly criticizing the form and substance of the treaty being negotiated. The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of 633 votes to 13. The way

, Parliament recalled that the Commission is obliged to inform these negotiations, protested by deliberately calculated as being carried out this process, and required to report to parliament immediately and completely.

the Fund, the Parliament agreed to remind the Commission that the privacy and data protection are fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Europe, set out in its charter of fundamental rights, and spoke out against any system of administrative off the Internet or computers to check people at the borders.

What happens next?

depends on many factors, the most important is how the public reacts strongly, the media reports and politicians who represent them. For now, there are some organizations that are working and report on this topic. For example, Right to Read has developed a brochure [1.19 MB PDF] explanatory.

This is a turning point that we have the opportunity to reverse a trend towards a world where information is strictly controlled. ACTA copyright maximalist conceptions is motivated by greed, seeking to bypass most important values \u200b\u200bfor society as privacy or freedom of expression.


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